Tuesday 25 January 2011

Pre H Day Procedures

Early start and no shower (bloody cold water) but at least I was in a private hospital with my own room and ensuite so could have one there. Strict instructions for 'nil by mouth' until the op but I sneakily cleaned my teeth. Then, I debated was having a cigarette breaking the 'nil by mouth' rule. Then decided against it. I left my flat with an overnight bag and my laptop just like I would for a weekend away. People did tell me to treat it like a few days in a hotel.

I took the crowded metrobus like any other morning, got pissed off with people especially as they wouldn't move to let me get off at the stop for the hospital. Most annoying. A woman spoke to me in English and I complained back loudly. I informed her I was in for an operation today. God knows why. Maybe I needed to vocalise it. Then she pointed me in the opposite direction to which I answered, 'I know exactly where I am going.'

I was so happy that I took public transport. It's hardly ceremonial but I find taxis in DF highly stressful with my lack of Spanish. And it added some normality to an abnormal situation where I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel or as if there was some pre hysterectomy protocol on how to feel.

Thankfully, Denise took a morning off to make sure I was admitted. This was lovely of her as I tend to fear the worse that some document would be missing or it was the wrong day, nevermind the language barrier.
Again, I hate being at the mercy of someone else and not being in control and there's nothing like a hospital to exacerbate these feelings more. Off we went to room 416..mi nuevo casa for the three days.

The room had touches of a hotel but of course it couldn't be denied it was a hospital bed. How people try and dress things up never ceases to amaze me. Denise began to multi task like no one I've ever seen.. talking to the authorities, translating and convincing me to ask someone to stay for the night.

Now, again being a (stubbornly) independent woman, I was really uncomfortable with this idea. My friends are busy people and I might want some of my time post operation. Again, another sign I was in denial of a huge thing happening in approximately 3 hours. I texted the times of the op to three key friends who I knew were visiting me and more to the point, I'm comfortable with seeing me in any state. Roberto agreed. I was actually relieved and then added the incentive of wifi (it's essential for his work). Then, I texted him the schedule of the day so he could be there after the operation. Yes, you can take the girl out of England but you can't take the England out of the girl but he was putting himself out and I didn't want to waste his time. I hate to be perceived as needy by men but this time, it was my right and I wanted to see someone gentle, calm and more to the point able to calm me down. I simply couldn't predict how I would be.

Then began the procedures...intrusive questions about my life - sex, drugs and everything. Poor Denise felt slightly embarrassed too in her role as official translator. I don't mind that but what I do mind is that rather unfetching gown they made me wear. Way too big with my arse hanging out. Not sexy. It got worse. I was shaved (not such a bad thing..never got round to waxing) and then the enema. I don't know I felt so yucky about it. It could be due to an article I read about medical fetishism in Bizarre Magazine which involved some interesting uses of enemas. And yes...not a comfortable experience at all. Another nurse appeared and put me on the drip. Well..this is it. My prison has begun but then again, it's not an everyday occurence to be pumped full of drugs. In my past, I would've even enjoyed it.

Denise was still trying to sort out IMSS and yes I admire that woman's tenacity. Still no answers or a multitude of answers and may the best option win. And a text from Roberto promising to be there at 5pm. In my anal manner, I thought that I better be out of recovery by that time. I hate people waiting around for me.
The trolley arrived 12:30pm on the dot. The porter was rather cute. No dishy doctors but lets say there were quite a few hotties among the porters. And how I love punctuality. More to the point, how docilely I accepted it all. Perhaps at that point, I had really accepted the inevitable and was no longer being the little lucha I normally am. What I did notice is that the porter was rather cute. No dishy doctors but lets say there were quite a few hotties among In fact, something happened in the recovery room which was quite amazing considering my mental state previously and the operation. I fell asleep.

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