Friday 28 January 2011

An adventure outside...

Time for a Sunday afternoon stroll to blow away the cobwebs. Not that there were any of my usual cobwebs to blow away caused by the aftermath of Saturday night frolics and tomfoolery. More that I wanted to try and push myself.

Not a great idea and seems to go against all hysterectomy advice..but anyway, I always do things differently.

Debbie needed to go to the market and run a couple of errands and I came with her. Walking down the stairs was really tough and perhaps I should've turned back then. But no..I'm a determined, little bugger if I want to be.

I've always compared Mexico to life on a mild acid trip. With the pain, the sun and the fact I'd been (trying and failing) to be sedentary for a few days, I was assaulted by a full hit of colours and noise. Usually, I love all of this and I get the sense and feeling that I am indeed in Mexico. That was way too much.

Then coupled with the wobbly pavements and more to the point, feeling really self conscious about my rather slow and clumsy walking, I couldn't wait to escape back to the comfortable sanctuary of their flat and hide. I couldn't stand the slowness..I usually pace at lightening speed but now I was only getting frustrated.

The market was frightening. Again, going against something I usually love (though the noise can be jarring with a hangover). Right next to the chicken stall, my temperature rose and it all went spinning. Or could it be that I'm vegan and was getting slightly repulsed.

Zoe phoned and she was near. I dropped the strong brave act and mumbled, 'I can't do it. Can we rest on the pavement?'

So there it was. My first attempt. Looks like things are going to move very slowly...

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