Wednesday 26 January 2011

The aftermath

Woke up after one of the most traumatic nights ever, feeling surprisingly chilled, even spritely. Then the nurse came in to explain the next procedure - a bath in bed. Usually I would be all queasy with the intrusiveness of such things but I was quite looking forward to it.

I got a morning visitor, Anna, just as the nurses arrived with sponges. Roberto excused himself to go for a coffee (or was he becoming worried that the staff might think he had some medical fetish). Anna has no fear and a pertinent sense of curiosity so I was quite happy for her to stay and chat. Lovely bath as well which in the meantime, Denise arrived to say hello and update me on the one week incapacidad. I got one without even seeing a doctor. God knows how that happened but it did. And after living in several high context cultures, I should know better than to question this any more. It just happens. Denise commented I looked fabulous. For a post hysterectomy patient? If only she had seen me a few hours earlier.

They brought me food and adhered to my vegan request and yes..managed to eat some of it. The wifi worked so could catch up with my mum on Skype. She was obviously anxious for the past day so for once used the webcam so she could see me. Usually, she calls at Sunday lunchtime and webcam is forbidden as I'm still in bed. This time, I had every excuse to be in bed. Oh yes, one work related email....WTF?? which was sent as I was actually under the knife. Told the recipient straight that this was inappropriate and wait until I am ready to receive anything work related. i.e. in one month's time.

The day passed with nurses checking my blood pressure, me not doing much, friends visiting and more nasty pains. Thankfully, the nurse injected me with morphine immediately. I was dubious after seeing my dad in the final stages of cancer totally out of it on morphine. I must have had a lower dose as all I did was sleep and didn't hear Roberto return from his meeting. Well, I was actually not moving for once. 

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